There are a few decisions as difficult as the purchase of a new car. You know its a decision that you are gonna live with for a while, so “choose wisely” is the mantra.
Being a surfer, with a family of 3, soon to be 4, my requirements are simple. Get the boards and the family from point a to point b.
Now is the time to make the move towards the van. NO, not the minivan. Hell no. Are you kidding me?
The move towards the old van. The creepy van. The van you approach with care, less you be snatched into it and filled with decrepit wisdom of the good ole days. Ahhh yes.
In search of the perfect old van, I have been seeing one around the neighborhood with envious eyes. Finally, I caught her at rest perched above PCH & I had to capture her glory. Enough windows to feel outdoors, enough curtains to hide debauchery within.
Some basic google research yielded her pedigree; behold 1969 Dodge Sportsman. Is it that buying an old car, makes you feel more connected to the past, or is it the other way around?