travel through london with train map-inspired fabric

theTube fabric

theTube fabric

You won’t get lost around the city of London with theTube fabric print sewn onto your duffel bag, shirt, jacket, or sweater. This geometric fabric contains a railway map of the London Underground,  one of the largest and mostly used public transportation system in Europe. It’s a 150-year-old network that carries more than a billion passengers per year. That’s intense. The system has so much history and always improving to meet the needs of these passengers.

See theTube fabric on this pullover hoodie:

theTube hoodie

theTube hoodie for the subway

Nifty for traveling, huh? TheTube train map hoodie can guide you to King’s Road, Oxford’s Street, Piccadilly Circus, the Beatles’ Abbey Road, Sherlock Holmes’ Baker Street, Portobello Road of Notting Hill, and other great streets of London. If you ever fall asleep on the train and are self-conscious with someone staring at your face, just have pull your hood over your head and have them study that subway map instead.

Plus if you’re a tourist or nomad or traveler who enjoys meeting new people, this can be a conversation-starter with someone who needs help getting around the city, “Excuse me, do you know which line to take to get to ____________?” Hopefully you can point to your shoulder and say, “Here it is!” OK, maybe in reality it won’t work that way, but it’s still a catchy fabric print perfect for those who love traveling and public transportation.

Browse through other geometric fabric prints at!