Too Broke to Go to Coachella?



So if you are like most people stuck in the LA area this weekend, $600 is not a thing you can just fork over for a festival. On top of the ticket price, you still have to account for food and party supplies. As much as we want to see Outkast reunite, my bank account will not allow it.

Enter Brokechella; a festival taking place in Downtown Los Angeles with 4 stages, visual artists galore, and even a space for your dog fittingly called Puppychella. The best part about it is that it is only a $10 ticket ($20 at the door).


At first I was a little hesitant to commit to something called Brokechella but after researching the event, I have to say that I am actually excited to attend. There will be live art installations, interactive art exhibits, and even a portion with comedy acts. As if the price tag and hippy attitude of screw the mainstream was not hipster enough for you, they are encouraging sustainability pretty heavily. There will be recycling bins everywhere and they are not handing out paper programs but encouraging festival goers to download an app to keep track of the set times.


Not only am I excited that this event is giving me less of a reason to complain about not making it to Coachella, but it is located in my neighborhood and I am totally walking to it. You can get more information on their website where they have a good FAQ section. So bring your camera, your dog, and we will see you guys Saturday at Brokechella!