The Joy of Making Money and Closing Sales


Bill Paxton from True Lies – the ultimate sleazy car salesman

There are a lot of negative associations with being a good ‘seller’. People often don’t trust a good salesman/woman and associate selling with greed and everything evil. I am one of those people, I struggle with being labeled a salesman even though I think I’m pretty good at it.

The key to making money and closing sales is to have fun while offering real value to your customers. If you’re not delivering something worth their money and you’re not enjoying the process, you’re probably selling the wrong thing. One of the best things about selling Apliiq is that you’re actually helping others get custom tshirts and apparel that they truly need and it’s designed specifically for them. Imagine getting a gift that thousands of other people have already been given. Then, consider a gift that’s been personalized just for you. Every custom design created on is a personalized gift. You have the opportunity to give this gift of design, creativity and art to the world. I have no doubt your customers will be grateful, especially once they receive the finished product.

Challenge #2

Now that you have a list of targets to approach, start preparing their gifts!  Do a little internet stalking and find their logos or graphics / slogans they traditionally use.  Download them and put them on a tshirt using the Apliiq customizer.  We recommend mocking up 3 options for each target, one with a pocket and logo on the pocket, one with a pocket and artwork on the back and one with just artwork on the chest and maybe cuffs or sleeve hits or something else that adds a little fabric love.

Save your designs and download the main front and back images from your saved designs page.  Compose an email that gives a short background about Apliiq and your role as part of the campus program.  Then let them know you’d love to support them to make custom shirts that their team or group will love.  Include attachments to your designs (you may want to crop off the models head so it’s not distracting from the design) to showcase a few suggestions as to what you can do using the Apliiq platform and end the email with a strong question that will lead to more conversation.  Here’s a few suggestions for good questions to ask:

Do you have some time to chat this week about these designs?
Do you have any upcoming apparel needs I can support?
Do you think these mock ups would appeal to your team?

Shoot one of your pitch emails before you send it out and he’ll give you some feedback!