The Art of the Hunt: Finding the Perfect Fabric



In 2004 I discovered the ancient art of the fabric hunt.  There’s something magical about digging for textile treasures in the dusty corners of a 50 year old shop that feels like it’s well over 100.  I feel major accomplishment uncovering a secret stash, back room, second warehouse or basement where only those in the know can go.  And getting to know the rag traders, the families, many of whom have been selling textiles for generations, is an incredibly gratifying and humbling experience.

I equate fabric hunting to record digging, the process of a DJ scouring the globe for the coolest grooves that nobody else has.  From my fellow fabric lovers I’ll often field questions like ‘where’d you cop that toile?’ or ‘what’s the story with this linen..?’.  While I don’t like to divulge my secrets, here’s a few tips to sourcing rad vintage stuff.

fabrics in downtown los angeles

A true hunter never divulges their sources

1) Don’t go to Jo-Ann’s – yeah I get it, you probably don’t have a big fabric district around the corner unless you’re in downtown LA but there are definitely independent shops that sell fabric somewhere within driving distance.  The indy’s are cool cause they buy fabric others may not have and often hold onto very old styles.  They’ll also buy from jobbers who sell old fabrics in bulk – this means you’re likely to uncover something magical with the independents.

2) Don’t be afraid of upholstery – sometimes the upholstery guys have the raddest stuff, careful if it’s too thick or not washable, but don’t run if it’s all about furniture.  You may score some gold.

3) Get to know your vendors.  The people who run the shops have stories to tell and discounts to offer.  Just cause they’re old, speak a different language or normally sell to your grandma doesn’t mean they’re not interesting and full of crazy stories.  Get in with those guys, they’re the ones who can lead you to the secret stash.

old guy in the fabric district

Vintage fabrics are sold by vintage dudes, they are your friends

4) Find the secret stash, it may be hiding in the back room or just under a table, maybe it’s collecting dust underneath something more popular and visible.  Every shop has one, once you’re in with the management, have them lead you to it.

5) Go vintage!  If a fabric has a date before 2001 on the selvage, you probably won’t find it anywhere else.  Stock up on the old stuff, once it’s gone it’s not comin back.

Rolls of Fabric in downtown LA

Gems from the fabric district in Los Angeles

Alright guys, I tried not to be too specific about design here cause everyone has their own preferences but please do share what you find.  We’re always psyched to see awesome textile treasures and love to share in the discoveries with our crew.