Pushin PR: A New Kind of Custom T Shirt


pocket tee eagle spirit

How To Get More Eyeballs And Build Brand

Press is a powerful tool for brand building and spreading a message.  Getting press for your product isn’t easy though.  You need to build the right relationships with writers and give them something worth sharing with their readers.

How You Can Improve Your Press Skills

This week we challenge you to get a press write up promoting the new Apliiq custom pocket tee.  The best articles will have direct links to our new custom pocket tee creator here. (http://www.apliiq.com/custom/pocket-tees)

Talk To These People And Get Your Article Published

Approaching your school newspaper or a popular school website will be a great place to start.  If you know writers or contributors, even better.  If you’re already homies with other writers for outlets beyond your campus, that’s great too!

Topics To Write About That Are Sure To Get Noticed

Pitching press is about sharing a problem that you’re solving.  It’s best done via email but you may want to start with a conversation or text to gauge their interest.

Pocket tees are popular on campus and many companies offer frankenpockets. And frankly, (no pun intended) they suck. Until now, there isn’t a way to get a proper pocket tee made on campus.

Now, any group can turn their artwork into a pocket to create amazing pocket tees.

Don’t forget to mention these important points:

* You are a rep for Apliiq. You are part of a zeitgeist that is rethinking traditional branded products.
* Apliiq was also started on a college campus (University of Pennsylvania).
* Apliiq is a platform for artists, creatives, & fashion-preneurs.

Download these images to help you with your pitch.
pockets and pocket tees

pockets cut

pocket tees

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to Ethan or Ian for support or to connect us to your press contacts for quotes or story support.