How to Take the Ultimate Photo



Capturing a great photograph is a true art.  This week your challenge is to do just that.  Grab your rep tee or other Apliiq you own and get out on campus and around your community.  Got a nicer camera than your phone?  Bring that along.  Have a photographer or model friends?  Bring them too!!  Look for environments that feel natural, don’t let models strike poses, try to capture subjects in their element, authentically being them.

We believe the most important thing you need to know about taking amazing lifestyle photographs are the 4 As:

Action – Consider what action your subject is doing and ensure it’s authentic.  Even this dude chilling on the car feels real here.  It’s an action in it’s passivity.

Artifact – What are the details you want to capture?  Here it’s the fabric on the sleeve, but also the car, leaves, trees and even is beanie are all crucial to composing the vibe.

Actor – Who is the subject?  How to they express authentic emotion?  Are they making eye contact with the camera.  Sometimes that’s the most powerful way to activate a photo.

Atmosphere – What’s the environment like?  Can you capture the feeling of being in a unique space that has mystique?  Small details are often all you need to give a sense of atmosphere.

Submit your photos to and post your best shots on the Facebook group.  The best photograph of the week will get $100 in free Apliiq and will be posted with photo credit on our Instagram page.