How To Hook Up Your Friends And Make Money While In School



– Lake Champlaign photoshoot, Fall 2014. Got some help from my friends to crush this challenge.

A Simple Approach I Discovered

I design and buy items to sell on and around campus.  Each time I place a bulk order, I also add specific designs for friends by collecting pre-orders.  This lets me maximize my profit on bulk orders by increasing my quantities and hook my friends up with the dopest unique items at killer prices.

How Important Are Pre-Orders?

When working with bulk orders, especially regarding custom clothing, you want to focus on specific products that will accommodate your customer base. In order to build a diverse customer base, it is essential to market your products before you even order them.

How To Start Getting Pre-Orders

The best way to do this is to sit down with your closest group and walk them through the designing process. It is always a good idea to explain fully how to navigate the website so your friends can design pieces on their own.

Design pieces that specifically match your friends’ interests. Show them various fabrics and designs that will catch their eye. Then, when they are familiar with the site ask them to design something so beautiful they want to buy now.

Add the item to your cart and tell them you can save them 20% on that item when you personally place a bulk order being that you are a rep with the inside hook up.

By promising a 20% off discount on the specific items, your customers can “preorder” items through you the next time you place a bulk order. Promising a discount creates incentive for your potential customers to commit to a purchase.

Once you have a guaranteed customer base through close friends, extend your circle to people in your building, coworkers, and any acquaintances that you think would be interested in some unique swag. Try to use the preorder approach to guarantee as many sales as possible considering bulk savings increase the more items you purchase.

How To Maximize Your Discount

Once you think you have maxed out on preorders, design pieces that you are confident you can sell. Add these popular items to your pre-orders to compile the largest possible bulk order.

Choose fabrics and designs that have received popular interest from your circle. It is important to have variety in both garments and styles to accommodate different tastes. It is also important to stick to what works and what is in season.

For example, if you notice popularity in floral pocket tees in the summers, stock up and sell them around campus early and late in the school year. Late fall through Christmas there will be a push for hoodies and hats.

The tultex hoody is a quality option that you as a salesman can mark up considerably. The same applies to the rustic dime skinny jeans which I’ve noticed are always in season. Given the uniqueness and comfort of the jeans, you can mark up the prices to see profit as high as 100%.

How To Free Up Cash Flow And Close The Deal

Finally, when strapped for cash and trying to place a bulk order offer friends and frequent buyers an “exclusive hook up”. Ask them to design exactly what they want or offer to surprise them with the most fire item imaginable made by you! Have them design their piece but ask them to ‘purchase’ it before you place your order online.

Ideally, you want them to venmo or paypal you so the money is directly on the card. If they pay you for the item before you actually order it, promise them something exclusive. Normally I will give out free pins and stickers, or print out coupons for 15% off my current inventory or $10 off anything $50 or more in my current inventory.

All of these have brought considerable success especially when strapped for cash. An extra $500 is as simple as finding 10 friends who want the exclusive hoody hookup. Charge them $50 a hoody (kangaroo and hooded tultex hoodies can be as cheap as $21 in bulk) and throw them incentive to pre-pay you.

If you are driven by success and the pursuit of sales this model can be applied to help you place bulk orders with preordered and popular items that will fly off the shelves as soon as your inventory is in.

Happy hunting!