featured artist: ELO

cracklepop denims

cracklepop denims

Vibrant. Pop. Drips. Color. These are words that describe the artistic style of Evan Lorberbaum, a.k.a. ELO. He is a visual artist from New York, currently attending NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study where his focus is Art and Business/Entrepreneurship. ELO sent us fabric prints of his original paintings to make available for all to customize!

i'm a business... man fabric

i’m a business… man fabric

phoenix fabric

phoenix fabric

snap, crackle, pop fabric

snap, crackle, pop fabric

His style often uses the “drip” effect, symbolizing that nothing lasts forever–when we are truly happy, we live in the moment and we live without regretting anything. ELO doesn’t limit himself to a flat canvas. He coats sculptures, buildings, and fashion with vibrant paint and texture. What comes to mind for you when you see these creations?



Feelin’ the vibe? You can rep his art work with your style. Design a tee or design a pair of custom denim jeans as your canvas.

phoenix pocket tee

phoenix pocket tee

ELO draws influence from revolutionary artists Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol. Pollock was one of the most influential artists in the abstract expressionist movement. Warhol was at the forefront of the pop art movement. Both artists are legends in modern American Art and have made a huge impact on our world.

Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol