Change Your Perspective

in trim in focus

In trim in focus

After sitting behind my desk for the day I had to get out of the office. Too much wind and too little swell to surf, so I grabbed my camera and headed down to Swamis to take in the scene. At Swamis, there is always a scene.

After scanning the line up I began to think things were a little more dismal than I expected. I was just about to throw in the towel, when I noticed what I thought was a photographer with a strange camera & gear. He was perched on one of the exposed reef fingers above Swamis and he looked serious.

I was immediately interested in what he was shooting, so I stood behind him to line up his shot. Almost immediately things came into focus.

surf photographer

front row seat for the show

Its amazing how changing your point of view can dramatically impact your perception of what is going on around you.

Surf movie in the making

Tin with his super 16mm

Eventually, the photographer realized I was behind him and I had two choices, quiet retreat or direct engagement. I threw my camera over my shoulder and walked up to him and introduced myself. I apologized for being creepy and explained that I really wanted to see what he was seeing.

Photographer and camera and ocean

Tin giving some feedback

As it turned out, Tin, the photographer, was a really nice guy. He was shooting a surf flick using a 16 mm camera to achieve an aesthetic of movies past. We exchanged information and decided to stay in touch.

noseride and photographer

quite an entrance

What will come when you decide to change perspective?