Challenge 3 – Bombin the LinkedIn


LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful tool for expanding your professional network and building relationships with potential partners, colleagues and employers. Although you’re still in school, you should aim to grow your linkedin network and raise your profile to be attractive to potential employers, future business partners and customers. Your linkedin profile should be an authentic portrayal of who you are. The aim is to make you approachable and professional, but most importantly you should be real. This week we challenge you to create a quality profile with a strong summary, experience and photo. Here’s a few tips:

Your Photo should capture attention and be professional – not a selfie – look presentable – make eye contact with the camera – try to be approachable, here’s Ethan:

me in the fabric library

Your summary should highlight the following things – a bit about your background – what you’re passionate about / studying – your strengths – your goals for the future

Your experience – add your work experience and some of the key responsibilities for each (don’t forget to mention your role as an Apliiq campus rep)

Organizations & Projects – extracurriculars work – what responsibilities have you taken on? – personal projects – have you started a small business or taken on a creative project in your spare time?

Languages – definitely add this if you speak anything beyond English!

When finished, link in with our team and the other reps! Ethan Lipsitz, Ian Gruber and Emily Gruber are all Apliiq squad, also look for others you know from school and previous work experience. Having a lot of connections and a solid profile will come in handy as you grow your professional reputation.

We write recommendations and endorse our best reps so keep rocking the challenges and look out for a boost to your profile as the semester progresses!