Challenge 1 Build Your Summer List


Build Your Summer List Challenge

We live in Los Angeles, a city that was built in a desert. The conditions were not ideal and we’re facing the consequences today with severe drought and intense heat. That said, living in LA is so good once you’re set up. We got the beach, we got the city, we got vast cultural diversity…. Put in the work, you get the rewards.

Same goes for being a rep this summer, the summer is a literal desert for campus life. Things are quiet and most groups and teams are not planning events or needing gear. That’s why being a rep over the summer is the ultimate challenge, and if you can master it, the rest of the year will be a breeze. We believe every one of you can have a super strong summer and head into the fall with a head start, ready for a full campus takeover.

Your first challenge is to lay the groundwork for your strategy. A solid sales and marketing effort is nothing without target customers. For those of you who have been reps in previous semesters, you already know how important it is to establish your target list.

Challenge #1 Build Your List: This week’s challenge is all about finding strong sales targets that you can close over the summer. We know there are some campus groups preparing for the Fall already. Fraternities and sororities, the school events board, big organizations that have their calendar dialed… these are all solid targets to pitch. Some may be ready to pull the trigger, but many probably won’t place their orders until July or August. Definitely get them on your list, but also think about summer activities that need custom apparel.

Do you or your friends have internships with companies that need swag? How about family reunions coming up? Do your parents or other family members work at companies that need apparel or are they connected to friends who do? We love working with innovative companies that are looking for something different to strengthen their company culture. Are there local camps, youth groups or events happening during the summer that you could pitch?

Write down 10 targets that you have connections to or could connect with easily. Your targets should have a need for apparel in June or July. Time is essential with these deals and making sure you’re hitting customers at the right time will be crucial in getting an order done. Your list should include contact information and a little info about each target so you can start to visualize designs they may appreciate.

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