Building Your Dream Team


Working alone can be cool, but imagine how much more you can accomplish when you have a crew!

Every business needs a strong team to be successful.  Over the next two weeks we challenge you to build your dream team.  Starting September 1st we’ll begin a 2 month inter-school competition to find out what campus embraces Apliiq with the most style and fabric love.  The winning team will get custom team Apliiq jackets and set the bar for the next competition round in November and December.

Now is the time to recruit your classmates and build the foundation for a full campus takeover.  As school starts back up, you’ll want to have a team of people who are as passionate about growing a business on campus as you are but have new connections that you don’t have.  They should bring a whole new pack of groups, teams, events and organizations that will place orders.

Here’s the details:

– we recommend teams that aren’t larger than 4 people unless your school is massive (20,000+ undergrad)
– ask your teammates to apply here – then have them email directly to share what team they’re on and we’ll fast track their application process
– you may already have a team started from those who have been admitted from your school – if so we will introduce you to them
– you will still earn points and commission based on sales as individuals but the winning team will get special rewards like rad matching jackets
– the fall semester will have two competition rounds – round one will be September and October, round two will be November and December – each round will have one winner
– in order for a team to qualify, at least two members must have more than 1000 points individually
– the winning team will get custom team jackets for their school, recommendations from Apliiq and relish in their accomplishment of bringing the most fabric love to their school

Best of luck building your dream team!