Building Hype: The Art of the Launch


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When you launch a new product or tool, it’s very important to build some buzz and excitement around what you’re launching.  This requires some planning ahead.  We’re preparing to launch Apliiq Campaigns, a tool that will make it much easier for anyone to sell their Apliiq designs with no risk and earn profit.

A great way to build hype is to tease your audience, give them some hints as to what they can expect, but don’t show everything, and ask them to share their excitement.  That’s why we created the Apliiq Campaigns teaser page.

Last week we asked you to check out the teaser and share with your campus.  This week we’re gonna push it one step further.  Ask your community to share the page on their social media.  Have them share your post with their friends.  The network effect takes hold when you create a series of branches – each of your friends is a branch, spreading the buzz about how we’re prepping to change custom streetwear.

This challenge will apply to any project you promote, build a loyal community who will help you blast the news of something you believe in.  They will support you as you get involved with more creative projects.

We’ll be looking out for your shares on FB, IG, Twitter and everywhere else! Be sure to tag @apliiq and #apliiq when you post.