7 Simple Steps To Create A Brand Mark And Set Yourself Apart


apliiq brand mark in negative space and with positive space

sketch rendering of which is most visible from a distance; positive or negative space?

What is the purest, simplest visual symbol that encapsulates your brand?

Whatever your brand stands for, your brand mark carries that value, passion, and promise to your customers.

Your brand mark is what sets you apart from everybody else. It’s the symbol for your movement.
Anyone can design a t shirt, but only t shirts with your brand mark are the “real thing.”

Brand elevates your designs. Before you go too deep on designing your products, it’s important to create a brand identity that differentiates you from everything else and lets your customers know you deserve their trust and hard earned money.

When your brand mark is clean, powerful, & simple it attracts your target customers to you. It screams to them that this clothing, this lifestyle was designed with you in mind.

So you know how important a brand mark is and how it will set you apart, but how do you go about creating one?

We are glad you asked!

Everyone’s creative process is a bit different, but we have used this formula for ourselves and with others to create brand marks.

Step 1: How To Focus Your Direction

Decide on 3 words your brand mark must communicate, no more no less, write them down. For Apliiq, we choose creative, expression, & modern.

Step 2: How To Capture Moments That Embody Your Brand

Start with black pen & white paper notebook. Even if you think you can’t draw, you can. This isn’t the Mona Lisa.

hand sketch of brand marks

Brand marks can be simple and elegant and there are some simple tricks to create professional level results with less than professional design skills. Of course, if you have access to a “designer” use them.

Now go to where you audience is. Look for inspiration in things they see everyday. Are there any symbols or objects that connect them or unify them? A cup of coffee for web designers (cliche I know!), a glow stick for ravers, a nightlight for babies, etc.

Carry your notebook and pencil around with you and any time you have a free moment or great idea sketch it out.

Step 3: Don’t Go Deep. Go Wide.

Explore different ideas. That’s right. Start by going BROAD.

Let go of any predefined constructs you have. Think of as many different ways to communicate your three words VISUALLY as possible.

Step 4: A Simple Trick To Overcome Creativity Obstacles

If you get stuck, experiment with positive & negative space & shapes to generate ideas.

Try having a simple image be “white space” surrounded by a dark circle, or square or rectangle, or any other shape.

How would the image look slightly offset in that shape? What if the image touches one of the sides of the shape?

You get the idea. Combine typography, simple shapes and placement to create new perspectives.

Step 5: Don’t Make These Common Mistakes

How does the brand mark look next to your brand name? This is simply a question you should answer, before falling in love.

Make sure your favorite brand mark isn’t used elsewhere. Once you have a brand mark you are happy with search online to make sure it isn’t too similar to an existing brand mark.

Step 6: How To Make A Final Decision

If you are having trouble deciding, don’t hesitate to ask people in your target market which they like & why? Ask them what the symbol means to them. Judge if they are using any of the words you are trying to communicate.

Ultimately the best brand mark is the one that your audience connects with most quickly and most passionately.

Step 7: How Proper Treatment Almost Always Makes A Big Impact

Now that you have your brand mark finalized… Woooohoooo!!

Wait, don’t celebrate just yet. It is important to consider where and how your target market will be introduced to your brand mark. Will it be via a physical sticker, an online ad, a watermark in your instagram photos? The medium you choose to deliver your brand mark can say as much about your brand as the brand mark itself. So think carefully about how to put your brand in front of your audience.

Now that you have a formula to create your brand mark, get started.

If you already have a brand mark created, what is your brand about & what brand mark have you created? What process did you use to create your brand mark?