420 things to do on 420


There many thrilling and mellow things to do on April 20. With the help of others, we have come up with some suggestions. Some are repeated because they’re just way awesome and you’d want to do them again. What would you do on 420? Wear the coolest clothing ever?

mom it's tie dye fabric

mom it’s tie dye fabric

  1. go on a hike

  2. doodle your friends on paper

  3. gaze at the stars on a rooftop

  4. get a swedish massage

  5. eat at an all-you-can-eat korean bbq

  6. watch a movie in 3D

  7. see a reggae show

  8. write a bucket list

  9. eat some cereal

  10. play bongos

  11. visit the library

  12. speak in another language

  13. watch videos of puppies

  14. watch videos of cats

  15. paint a meadow

  16. cook your favorite meal

  17. bake white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies

  18. write a poem

  19. write to yourself

  20. cook your family a big dinner

  21. go to a candy store

  22. see a local band play

  23. sing your heart out in the shower

  24. drink honey milk tea boba with flan pudding at the bottom

  25. drink a mango-guava smoothie

  26. eat frozen yogurt

  27. eat tiramisu-flavored gelato

  28. take photos

  29. go on the swings

  30. take a nap in a super soft bed

  31. http://www.nyan.cat/

  32. go bowling

  33. play ping pong

  34. go salsa dancing

  35. play billards

  36. picnic at the park

  37. tan on the beach

  38. play frisbee golf

  39. get your nails did

  40. go surfing the big waves

  41. go skate a mini ramp

  42. rearrange your furniture

  43. jump rope

  44. eat only the green skittles

  45. go for a swim

  46. play donkey kong

  47. finish a sudoku puzzle

  48. do the crossword

  49. throw a dance party

  50. make public stencil art

  51. plant california poppy seeds

  52. play volleyball

  53. go to a concert

  54. stretch until you can touch your toes

  55. do 420 pushups

  56. match all of your socks

  57. tell your secret crush you love him/her

  58. build a fort with your sheets

  59. have a car pull you while rollerblading

  60. crank call an international #

  61. have a speed walking contest

  62. make baklava

  63. learn how to knit yourself a scarf

  64. eat a banana split

  65. make a scrapbook page

  66. decorate your room

  67. style your hair

  68. do laundry

  69. after drying laundry, place them on your bed and through yourself in the warm clothes

  70. have a movie marathon of all genres

  71. watch Finding Nemo

  72. watch Up

  73. watch Wreck-It-Ralph

  74. watch Daria

  75. watch Family Guy

  76. chill in a hammock

  77. visit the Grand Canyon

  78. hang out in the Willis Tower elevator

  79. ride a small jet plane

  80. ride a hot air balloon

  81. try potato chips and sour cream

  82. eat cheetoh’s hot fries

  83. visit the poppy or sunflower fields

  84. go cherry picking

  85. play Balloono on omgpop

  86. play Draw My Thing on omgpop

  87. read the dictionary

  88. organize your closet

  89. clean your whole house

  90. walk your dog

  91. get lost in the city

  92. go to a slam poetry/spoken word show

  93. visit an art exhibition

  94. make and eat fondue

  95. make smores

  96. take a nap on your couch

  97. listen to Vitamin String Quartet

  98. watch the Land Before Time

  99. read a comic book

  100. watch E.T.

  101. talk about your purpose in life

  102. read memes

  103. have bottomless mimosas

  104. do interpretive dancing

  105. do yoga

  106. go people-watching at a cafe on a busy street

  107. go on a rooftop and scream your lungs out

  108. watch a Beyonce video

  109. watch a Lady Gaga video

  110. watch “Lemonade” by CocoRosie

  111. watch the “Seven Nation Army” by The White Stripes

  112. listen to Sigur Ros while you walk on the beach or explore a forest

  113. go to a buffet

  114. play tag at the park

  115. play tennis

  116. rent a cabin

  117. go parasailing

  118. go on a boat ride

  119. snorkel

  120. eat chips and salsa

  121. feed ducks pieces of bread

  122. hold doors open for people

  123. say good morning to a stranger

  124. say good evening to a stranger

  125. give someone a compliment

  126. try singing like enya

  127. play hopscotch

  128. draw on the sidewalk with chalk

  129. paint a vision

  130. listen to someone’s philosophy

  131. knit something cute

  132. make shrinky dinks

  133. go bowling

  134. eat macarons

  135. watch Sesame Street

  136. go ziplining

  137. roll down a hill

  138. go iceblocking

  139. ride a bicycle on the beach

  140. go rockclimbing

  141. climb a tree

  142. hug a tree

  143. explore a cave

  144. go kayaking

  145. stand-up paddleboarding

  146. go on the slides

  147. rent a jumper

  148. read old diaries/journals

  149. travel to another city

  150. travel to another country

  151. make sushi

  152. create sand sculptures at the beach

  153. watch Oprah

  154. watch The Ellen DeGeneres Show

  155. do some origami and hand one piece to a stranger

  156. ride a ferris wheel

  157. give your parents a hug

  158. walk your dog

  159. play basketball at the park

  160. go tubing

  161. ride a banana boat

  162. separate the colors in skittles candy

  163. watch a marathon of The Boondocks

  164. check out what’s on the Discovery channel

  165. write a list of places you want to visit

  166. write 10 reasons about why living today is awesome

  167. go bouldering

  168. swing on a tire swing

  169. wear apliiq

  170. draw a landscape on a chalkboard in a classroom for everyonen to see the next morning

  171. dance under the stars

  172. walk through a forest

  173. collect seashells

  174. collect bottle caps

  175. search for unicorns on the beach in malibu

  176. stare at clouds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wkya4uGnlRA

  177. fly through the clouds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwTnyRHEZSQ

  178. listen to dark side of the moon backwards

  179. watch wizard of oz backwards while eating

  180. watch lots of thousand frames videos per video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTMcPXNreis

  181. listen to justin bieber slowed down – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QspuCt1FM9M

  182. listen to windows theme slowed down

  183. pretend to be a robot

  184. pretend to be a wizard

  185. pretend to see through things

  186. watch dogs in slow motion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUCRZzhbHH0

  187. watch through youtube

  188. Watch Unforgivable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJu1Jj7VTw

  189. Watch hundreds of st bernards in the forest – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pdwoq0mHNQ

  190. lots watch of parkour videos

  191. watch gifs online – http://dump.fm/

  192. spend some time on /b/ – http://boards.4chan.org/b/  — CHECK THIS ONE (questionable)

  193. visit newgrounds.com for the first time in 7 years

  194. visit http://www.ebaumsworld.com/ for the first time in 10 years

  195. try out chess boxing – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK5TQSKmS3o

  196. try eating this – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8G0f_kHT00

  197. mix Louisiana Hot sauce and Aunt jemima maple syrup, proceed to put on everything

  198. ride a coconut horse – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHFXG3r_0B8

  199. stare and follow at a single blade on a ceiling fan

  200. call your local gamestop and ask for battletoads

  201. call your parents with an arnold schwartzenager soundboard – http://www.ebaumsworld.com/soundboards/play/1879/

  202. do the peanut butter jelly dance – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8MDNFaGfT4

  203. do the chicken dance – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWjeITmDmmo

  204. do the macerena – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmKhEGiNshA

  205. listen to Mambo number 5 in your low rider as loud as possible – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK_LN3XEcnw

  206. tell everyone they are invited to your bar mitzvah next month

  207. take a cold shower

  208. play double dutch

  209. go whale watching

  210. speak with a fake accent for the entire day

  211. learn to dance dominican style bachata

  212. make fresh delicious salsa with cilantro

  213. take pics of everything

  214. neil young, joplin, joni mitchell

  215. brush my teeth for an extended long period of time

  216. ayce sushi – see how much you can eat

  217. count stars

  218. sew something onto my shirt

  219. play aggressive ping pong

  220. think of names for inanimate objects

  221. see faces in inanimate objects

  222. cook everything in my cupboard

  223. make a contraption out of rubber bands

  224. get distracted

  225. buy fireworks

  226. pet domesticated pet animals

  227. talk to birds

  228. run a marathon through woods in Oregon

  229. sing while walking down the sidewalk at the top of your lungs

  230. see how long you can hold your breath for

  231. see how long you can keep your eyes open without blinking

  232. play tetris

  233. listen to the band Can

  234. watch High Fidelity 5 times

  235. chisel a sculpture out of a sugar cube

  236. chisel a sculpture at the tip of lead pencil

  237. run a marathon through the woods of Utah

  238. put on chapstick

  239. try a variet of gum flavors

  240. make waffles

  241. taste test all candy and candy bars

  242. remix every flavor of fun dip

  243. soda combos

  244. lay in the grass in the sun

  245. shave a chia pet

  246. play battleship

  247. play candyland

  248. jurassic park 3D

  249. just wear 3D glasses all day for fun while watching youtube vids

  250. sing happy birthday backwards to your baby bro

  251. swap stories with homeless people

  252. get ready for ciclovia

  253. discover theory of relativity

  254. watch MLK I Have a Dream Speech

  255. ride on tandem bikes

  256. stare at optical illusions

  257. stare at magic eye

  258. look at I Spy book

  259. argue about something mindless

  260. play ping pong with a cheater

  261. sell something

  262. add fabric to something

  263. apliiq it

  264. eat a crepe

  265. go to the zoo

  266. take photos of zebras and spots on animals

  267. go to the abandoned zoo

  268. wear someone else’s reading glasses throughout the day

  269. wear a business suit

  270. wear business socks

  271. try open a coconut

  272. play tic tac toe with yourself

  273. tell a story to your grandma

  274. have the birds and the bees talk with your grandma

  275. go kneeboarding in a lake

  276. let your dog take YOU for a walk

  277. ride a coconut horse

  278. tell kids at school that drugs are bad

  279. Eat frozen lemonade

  280. Watch a live sports game

  281. Play your saxophone inside a store

  282. Volunteer at a clinic

  283. Donate blood

  284. Collect rocks from the river

  285. Skips rocks at a lake

  286. Trim a plant

  287. Make love

  288. Go lemon picking in your neighbor’s yard

  289. Take a long shower

  290. Go to Target in a costume

  291. Smell every product at Bath & Body Works

  292. Go thrift shopping in a rich neighborhood

  293. Dance like no one’s watching

  294. Sing like no one’s listening

  295. Build a human pyramid with your friends at the beach

  296. Go chat at a random chatroom

  297. If you have long hair, make little braids all over

  298. Have someone do your hair for you

  299. Go check out an exhibition at a small gallery

  300. Wear mismatching shoes to a restaurant

  301. Create a stencil design on an empty canvas tote bag

  302. Go frolicking in the meadows

  303. Walk around the city while looking up at the buildings

  304. Play a typing game online

  305. Play Bananagrams with an eyepatch

  306. Play the card game Spoons backwards

  307. Go on a rooftop and yell out the name of the person you’re in love with

  308. Bake jalapeno corn muffins and eat them

  309. Fly on a small jet plane

  310. Go on a helicopter tour

  311. Chill with friends on a water tower

  312. Chill with friends at the aqueduct

  313. Dig in your backyard and bury a treasure map

  314. Podcast your own impromptu radio show

  315. Eat a dill pickle with hot sauce

  316. Read at a bakery

  317. Watch Inception

  318. Watch the Japanese version of The Grudge

  319. Watch babies laugh on youtube

  320. juggle some cuties clementines

  321. create a maze on a paper and then try to solve it

  322. play hangman with a friend

  323. sew a new pillowcase for your couch pillow

  324. limbo party while listening to “Limbo Rock”

  325. spell out words with alphabet soup

  326. have a world-themed potluck dinner

  327. do a handstand against the wall

  328. hide inside your friend’s closet

  329. hide your roommate’s bed mattress

  330. go to a hookah bar

  331. go to a karaoke bar

  332. watch a movie at a drive-in movie theater

  333. ride a segway

  334. ice skating

  335. roll-skating in the park

  336. eat lots of food

  337. go to a carnival and ride the zipper

  338. play miniature golf

  339. go to a friend’s house

  340. jump circle

  341. do a bonfire

  342. watch the meteor showers

  343. go to the observatory

  344. make a collage of just your friends’ faces

  345. try different flavors tea

  346. go shopping for clothes

  347. apply different lotions from Bath & Body Works

  348. play at an arcade, especially a dancing game

  349. ride rollercoasters

  350. go horseback riding

  351. bumping cars

  352. play tunnel tag with friends

  353. stare at a blank wall

  354. sneak into the movie theaters

  355. do something you’ve never done

  356. wear heavy make up to the store

  357. wear your pajamas all day

  358. go to the bank

  359. calculate your budget

  360. go grocery shopping

  361. organize products in a grocery store

  362. scream your lover’s name inside a tunnel

  363. try to walk like an astronaut

  364. work in the middle of the night

  365. study

  366. create a fort in the living room

  367. look at memes all day

  368. play hot hands

  369. look for a spaceship

  370. download app on your smartphone

  371. watch the clock for an hour

  372. wear apliiq

  373. change your shoelaces with different colors

  374. eat a fruit salad

  375. sit in front of a fan on high speed and talk to it slowly

  376. play house with your friends

  377. throw water balloons at each other

  378. have a dance party outside in your frontyard

  379. go to Vegas and don’t gamble

  380. read an entire newspaper

  381. read an entire magazine

  382. tell someone he/she’s beautiful

  383. go whale watching

  384. grow wheat grass

  385. drink some really good boba tea

  386. eat crispy noodles andn listen to them crunch

  387. eat lots of pizza

  388. try chilli cheese fries with avocado

  389. smoke weed (smoke 420 blunts to be specific)

  390. go to a 420 fest reppin apliiq

  391. “flying high”

  392. get together with homies and take pictures with a blunt

  393. just sleep on a floaty while floating on a pool

  394. feel moss

  395. go to Ikea and try out different beds

  396. watch cartoons all day

  397. watch a marathon of Daria

  398. meditate on the top of a mountain

  399. doodle on a napkin

  400. make a wishlist

  401. make some bead bracelets

  402. organize your shoes

  403. Smoke for George Washington

  404. write songs and make beats,

  405. GO ALL OUT

  406. jump out of a plane

  407. go around orangutans

  408. face your fears

  409. name it and I’ll do it

  410. make money

  411. eat girl scout cookies

  412. go to ALL strip clubs

  413. carjack different cars

  414. test drive a ferrari

  415. skinny dip

  416. run naked down the street

  417. do an undie run with friends

  418. drink soda with pop rocks in your mouth

  419. drive around an empty city with music blasting in the car