3 Tricks To Sell Your Custom Apparel While On Campus



It is fundamental to market yourself around campus, social media, and through word of mouth.

After I have placed a bulk order and receive the items, I want to turn over my inventory as soon as possible.  The faster I can turn over inventory, the more quickly I can place my next bulk order.  I have consistently used these tricks to sell out my inventory, generate cash flow and plow my earnings into the next bulk order.


How I Crush Sales By Popping Up Around Campus

If possible setting up shop on campus or downtown as a licensed vendor is huge. It helps get word out and move product quickly.  It may be possible to become a licensed vendor through an affiliation with a campus group.  Each school has different rules so check your school’s website for their rules.  Even if you aren’t a licensed vendor there may be areas on campus that you can sell your items without attracting unwanted attention.


How To Close Sales With Deals & Specials

If you are struggling with extra inventory, try to work in deals and specials. If you have excess beanies give them away with the purchase of a $50 hoody. It will again create incentive and get extra inventory off the shelves too.

Another option is buy one get the second half off. This works best for pocket tees as they are considerably cheap in bulk orders, and can be resold for large profits. By offering 50% off the second shirt, one still has high profit margins while moving twice the inventory.


How You Can Bring People Together And Sell Items

Raffles are an excellent way to increase profits as well. Host an event or party once a bulk order comes in. This is an excellent way to market your products to the public and build hype. Take your dopest garment, and raffle it off for $2 a ticket. I have done this before and sold a hoody for $110 that cost me $26.