Keeping Your Product Simple Is A Sure Fire Way To Get Approved
Simple products have limited use of artwork and patches. Keeping your design to a single piece of artwork or a single patch option greatly increases your likelihood to be approved. Also keep artwork placement simple and straightforward. For example, center of the front and center of the back are great places to put artwork.
Use Limited Edition Fabrics Sparingly, If At All
Due to the limited nature of most fabrics, they are offered on a first come first served basis and are generally not allowed in campaigns. We do not want you to sell 100 shirts when we only have enough fabric to make 15. If you want to sell our limited edition products they must be purchased by you in bulk, not sold in a campaign.
Create A Great Campaign
Tell your audience about your product and your mission using your campaign name and campaign description. Let them know why they should support you. Campaigns with little or no content won’t be approved. Be respectful of copyrights. Only use artwork you own the rights to. For example, if we notice a Nike swoosh in your design, your campaign won’t be approved.