3 Minutes To Build Your Movement


You are already a leader. Now is the time to find your early follows who will push an issue or idea forward and take it on as their own.


Reach out to 5 or more of your closest friends who will appreciate the challenge of bringing Apliiq to their schools this year.

They should be extroverts, lovers of design and passionate about entrepreneurship and real-world experience.

Think about the friends you went to high school with or the people you worked with this summer. Those who are also experiencing college life on a different campus. Get in touch with them via email, social media, or a phone call and tell them how you discovered Apliiq Campus.

Tell them why you’re part of Apliiq Campus, explain the values that matter to you and how we’re working together to support them.  Feel free to share how awesome the Apliiq fam is 😉

Convince at least 3 to apply and tell them to drop your name in the affiliations section of the application. We’ll fast track their applications.

God speed friends don’t be a lone nut for long!

Here’s 3 Ways To Get Started Quickly:

1) Post a link to the sign up form in your High School FB group page
2) Post your rep photo to Instagram with an explanation & link your bio to the sign up page
3) Get old school and dive into your email contacts on gmail. Send a personal email to 3 people.

Please note: Don’t recruit your classmates yet, we’ll build that team later.