101 custom t shirt customers


101 custom t shirt customers

what starting a brand really feels like

So you are really excited to start a brand. It feels like marketing, selling, and designing custom t shirts is in your blood. You aren’t sure how to get started. You have found dozens of places to quickly print a shirt or sell your shirts online, but simply following the “if you design it, they will come and buy it” methodology won’t produce the results you want. You will quickly see that creating demand for your products is one of the most difficult aspects of being successful.

how to create demand by thinking about the right people

Instead of trying to convince someone, you don’t know, that they should buy your shirts, it is worthwhile to think about the people that are already buying shirts in large quantities that you can collaborate with. This list of groups has likely just bought custom apparel or will be buying custom apparel in the next few months. Additionally, collaborating with someone that is already buying apparel is a great way to get your feet wet with a design that is sure to sell.

Ok, now that you have a completely different approach to demand creation by going direct to people that are already in the market for custom t shirts, how do you find these people?

A great way to start is with people that you already know. Use this reference guide to think about the people you know who participate in these groups and clubs.

on campus

greek customers
  • general fraternity gear
  • general sorority gear
  • rush shirts
  • little bro gear
  • little sis gear
  • big bro gear
  • big sis gear
  • house letters
  • spring formal
performing arts customers
  • hip hop dance teams
  • a cappella groups
  • campus concerts
  • campus bands
  • glee clubs
  • comedy clubs
  • music venues
  • poetry crews
  • jazz bands
  • step crews
  • pole dancing team
college life customers
  • class events
  • business class projects
  • art class projects
  • school houses
  • dorm groups
  • student union
  • campus bookstores
  • your friends
  • entire school class
  • graduation events
  • orientation events
  • same major
  • official university shirts
  • school admissions
  • alumni societies
extra curricular groups and teams
  • bible study groups
  • political groups
  • religious groups
  • math clubs
  • car clubs
  • celeb fan clubs
  • entrepreneur clubs
  • art communities
  • artists
  • radio stations
  • marketing clubs
  • startups
  • your internships
  • study abroad trips
  • summer trips
  • camps
  • multicultural societies
  • hackathons
  • tech clubs
  • sailing team
  • crew team
  • intramural sports teams
  • team fan clubs
  • school pride shirts
  • ski and snowboard clubs
  • dodgeball team
  • club soccer
  • slacklining crew
  • bocce team
  • waterski team
  • ski team
  • fencing team
  • swim team
  • booster squads
  • wrestling team
  • basketball team
  • field hockey team
  • gymnastics team
off campus
  • streetwear shops
  • startup brands
  • skate companies
  • restaurants
  • your parent’s companies
  • your sibling’s companies
  • your friend’s companies
  • family friends that own companies
  • church
  • synagogue/temple
  • community service organizations
high school
  • parent teacher organization (pto)
  • school plays
  • graduation day
  • art class projects
  • volunteer projects
  • high school ministries
  • summer camps
  • battle of the bands
  • yearbook
  • student government and elections
  • bachelorette parties
  • family reunions
  • bachelor parties